Brief, Ever-So, "Biography"
I grew up in a small town in NW Iowa, USA, went to university (mostly by accident), dropped out of graduate school, and went on to do my own thing in my own (very) clumsy way --making stuff* & traveling, mostly. 30+ years later, most of the old questions remain, and still privileged to be involved in 'art' making and other projects.
*Professional and Personal Work: Paintings, Murals, Custom Painted Wall-Papers, Sculpture, Design (Interiors and Architectual) Vintage Motorcycles (currently, '71 750 Norton Commando, '74 750 Ducati), Wooden Boats (latest build an Iain Outred row/sail design), Woodworking/Furniture Design
U.S.: +1 412 230 1847
Prague, CZ